Friday, January 1, 2010

Baby Mum How Can I Make My Mum's Jack Russell See My Baby As Part Of The Family?

How can I make my mum's jack russell see my baby as part of the family? - baby mum

My mother is a Jack Russell dog, crying is not agile slope very loud, and I'm happy about my baby not to leave the baby with her mother at all worried, but my mom wants to see the baby sometimes.

If the baby has not locked the dog in a cage, or he's gone, but I do not feel safe leaving the baby in case someone (my brother) that allows the dog.

It can not get rid of the dog, something that we both love, because her husband is in love with him!

Any solution?


  1. Try to let the dog sniff the baby and him / her to approach. Of course, stay in any case. This way you get to use the newborn. The way I work with cats. Keep them in different rooms for a day or two separated and then change position. To be used Eachother fragrance.

  2. I also have a Jack Russell and the first thing is to learn from them not to young children. Jack Russell is very mobile and can not be trusted. I agree, let the dog be used on the child if the baby's clothes with him, but also addresses the control of the dog, the dog while you are giving your baby and do not ignore the dog coming child. If your child grows, the dog may chase a tendency to bite and that makes things happen fast around him. I'd really like an eye or eyes of his mother at the dog all the time.

  3. I know a hunter, who, when brought her baby home for the first time let the dog on a cold baby clothing. And the dog gets used to the new smell in the apartment. Then he put a dog in the treatment of tissue. Get to know the dog: Baby smell =) good (treatment. This would be a day for at least a week. The dog begins to wait for baby smell (substance) by the treatment. If you actually take the child with the dog, has a new baby to the treatment. See how it works for you. But I never let my child alone with a dog. People forget that even the best dog in an animal and you never know what triggers the dog to bite. Hopefully, the dog will accept the child if the mother has to understand that if your baby it with her, the dog must be in the cage (perhaps you can buy a lock on it and have) the key. Good luck.

  4. What you need to do is a piece of clothing for your baby in a cage made with the dogs .... But make sure it is something that is old and can no longer .... Let the dog sniff for a while .. .. Once the dog gets used to the smell of the baby .... It must be good, the baby .... I had to do, too, because my dog is the same .... But once were accustomed to the smell of my dog's best friend Baby

  5. Place blankets for babies in the cage with the dog and place the cage in the same room is - as the dog is familiar with the smell and noise of the child. Also, remember to give the dog attention and praise when he does, too. Be sure to reinforce good behavior with treats.

  6. Uh ... Hello? Baby's first steps, second dog .... Remove the dog from the room is the safest option ... get rid of for a dog, not because a baby more than it sometimes is not a reason strong enough.

    If you are a mother wants to keep the child, then she should be her younger brother, does not raise the dog in the room.

    From my experience, most dogs, the more difficult it is to work with them to train young children if raised with them.

    If your dog, I recommend a training regime to socialize the dog with the child because it's not your dog, it is impossible to deal with that training reinforced that you can not "the child must be there all the time.

  7. Uh ... Hello? Baby's first steps, second dog .... Remove the dog from the room is the safest option ... get rid of for a dog, not because a baby more than it sometimes is not a reason strong enough.

    If you are a mother wants to keep the child, then she should be her younger brother, does not raise the dog in the room.

    From my experience, most dogs, the more difficult it is to work with them to train young children if raised with them.

    If your dog, I recommend a training regime to socialize the dog with the child because it's not your dog, it is impossible to deal with that training reinforced that you can not "the child must be there all the time.

  8. Uh ... Hello? Baby's first steps, second dog .... Remove the dog from the room is the safest option ... get rid of for a dog, not because a baby more than it sometimes is not a reason strong enough.

    If you are a mother wants to keep the child, then she should be her younger brother, does not raise the dog in the room.

    From my experience, most dogs, the more difficult it is to work with them to train young children if raised with them.

    If your dog, I recommend a training regime to socialize the dog with the child because it's not your dog, it is impossible to deal with that training reinforced that you can not "the child must be there all the time.
