Sunday, January 10, 2010

Steam Shower Doors My Smoke Detector Goes Off When I Open The Door After A Shower?

My smoke detector goes off when I open the door after a shower? - steam shower doors

I rented a house and the smoke detector goes out when we open the bathroom door and to blow off steam after a shower. Now we just have to take the smoke, and all the wakes. We spoke with the management of this property and maintain the detectors to replace probably the same shit. What should we do?


  1. Smoke detectors do not detect actual smoke, but recognize the small particles in the air. Normally there is a small sample of radioactive AA and a detector. The suspended particles clogging of decaying matter, which causes less to reach the detector. If the number of particles below a certain threshold, is provided by the detector.

    The particles of smoke in May, but the condensation of the shower. Probably all the detector by more on the position of the detector from the shower.

    You can prevent the activation by the wind in the bath (if available) or just the door ajar bathroom after your departure. The exhaust steam slowly and is less likely to trigger the alarm.

  2. I have the same problem, but because I smoke or heat detectors. When the air is very warm shower in the bathroom after the alarm. After I shower, I open and close the door several times to let the hot air out of the bathroom shortly alarm no longer disappears. A good way to solve would be to turn the fan in the bathroom, if you have one. Unfortunately, I live in an old house, and not one.

  3. Water vapor is the smoke detector to go, there are two ways to tackle this problem. You can create a window, letting off steam, or install an exhaust fan and open to let the shower

  4. theres nothing you can do is simply made just his job, which is why it is called a smoke-detective

  5. Yes, sometimes I go into the kitchen with a pot of boiling water in the kitchen

  6. Try to smoke a little further from the bathroom door.

  7. the battery or buy a new detector.
